NOTE: This news excerpt is taken from the official CWA website.
These are the daggers voted on by publishers or authors.
The judging period begins January 01 through to December 31st 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact the Dagger Liaison Organiser (DLO) should you require further assistance. dagger.liaison@gmail.com
The Debut Dagger and the Dagger in the Library 2023 are now closed. See below to find out more and for info contact Dea on coordinator@thecwa.co.uk.
The Debut Dagger
Sponsored by ProWritingAid.
The Debut Dagger is closed.
The Debut Dagger is open for entries from 1 October and runs to the last working day in February the following year.
It is a competition for unpublished novelists looking to get representation or a publishing contract for the first time. There is also a cash prize of £500.
Entries are eligible from writers who have never had a publishing contract for a novel of any kind (over 20,000 words) and who don’t have an agent when the competition closes at the end of February. Entrants may not have self-published their entry or any other piece of writing of over 20,000 words unless it was removed from public sale 5 years or more previous to the deadline date.
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