A father's struggle against a dysfunctional judicial system and bureaucracy.
This is a story based on real events and it revolves around a gruesome case of a teenager in Germany by her step-father who is a renowned physician. Daniel Auteuil is excellent in his performance as the girl's biological father, André Bamberski who begins a crusade to find the truth about his daughter's rape and murder. His quest for vindication covers a time-span of almost thirty years, from 1974 till 2009 and it takes place to both France and Germany. Sebastian Koch is equally splendid in the role of the shady doctor who takes advantage of his patients' trust and steals André's wife.
I found the movie to be quite distressing as the audience knows that it is -partly- true and its relatively short running time (almost 80 minutes in total) makes it a viewing experience that at no time becomes tedious or uninteresting. The director, Vincent Garenq, has great thriller movies such as Présumé coupable and "L'enquête" in his filmography. This movie is on the borderline between two genres, crime fiction, and true crime. To sum up, Au Nom de ma Fille is a rewarding artistic experience, very well-shot with some great acting. Not to miss!
Au nom de ma fille