The beloved Icelandic actress Anita Briem, whom we met as the wife of the country's prime minister through the exceptional Minister TV series, the Icelandic equivalent to the Danish Borgen, is the creator and screenwriter of the new show titled As Long As We Live. The production team behind this new project is Glassriver for Iceland’s Channel 2, in association with C More. Trained as an actor in The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London and she has been casted in both native and international films and TV shows, for example The Tudors and Doctor Who. As Long As We Live is Briem's first attempt at screenwriting and it should be noted that the show is among the five nominees for the NOK 200,000 Nordisk Film & TV Fond Prize in the category of Outstanding Writing of a Nordic drama series. The beautiful Icelandic actress is also one of the story's protagonists along with Martin Wallström, Mikael Kaaber, and Ólafur Darri Ólafsson. Briem plays Beta, a woman in a state of distress caused by her fractured marriage and her new duties as the mother of a toddler. Beta's life will be turned upside down when she hires an au-pair, a young man who will blay little flirting games with the couple. The synopsis sounds intriguing while the Katrín Björgvinsdóttir's involvement in the project as the show's director further amplifies the production's credentials. Anita Briem has given an interview to Annika Pham (which you can find here) in which she talks about her creation. Regarding the origins of her inspirations and the show's main themes, she says: "The core of the story, the core questions came out of sheer need, a sort of an act of desperation when I found that I had really painted myself into a corner as a human being in my life. Questions on love, marriage, parenthood, social norms and expectations were bubbling up in me", while at another point she describes the whole series as "an ode to love, to marriage, in whatever form you choose to have it. It’s an ode to curiosity, to the spark in us. An ode to the lust for life". I have to admit that I'm thoroughly intrigued and eager to learn the release date.